Monday, May 24, 2010

Jimmy Stewart & Robin Hood


I just returned from scotch and Robin Hood on the big screen with Scotty, the second eldest in our long line of Brady Bunch-ness. We shared popcorn and peanut M&M's (hard work when you mix the two...gravity says no M&M's til the end...anyways...)

Now, I'm finishing a Scottsdale Public Library Feature: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington... A classic story starring a classing man living a life built on character and a hearty upbringing in the American woods.

I love them both. These poor men who rob from the rich to feed the poor. Defend the weak.

I should have pictures on this blog, but only you, Pooh, will see. So. Picture the pier under a Mississippi sky, full on Lucky Charms and Come Thou Fount, waiting for super-novas but happy to see one shooting star. Or a cloud.

Thank goodness for the simple things.

Thank goodness for Our Great Ironic God.
